The Bromptons at Cherrydale

The Bromptons at Cherrydale

Project Description
The Bromptons at Cherrydale at 3800 Lee Highway in Arlington, VA. is a wood-framed, mixed-use residential and retail facility with a cast-in-place concrete below-grade parking garage. The building is comprised of 3- levels of condominiums plus 4 ground-floor level commercial spaces. In total, it includes 22 residential units, 6000 sq. ft. of retail space, and 30 parking spaces in an underground garage.
Due to issues with the original construction of the building, including serious structural problems and building code violations, Kline worked with the engineer of record on the rehabilitation of the facility.
Kline’s primary objective was to strengthen various portions of the ground floor slab and beams by using FRP where suitable, and mild reinforcing steel elsewhere. Our team was also responsible for the design of two new beams and several new drop panels at locations where the slab alone was not able to carry the full load.
We specified the use of shotcrete for concrete placement which provided the owner with a competent structural repair that blends in with the original construction.

Arlington, VA.
- Evaluation & Restoration
Ed Peete Company / R15, LLC
WHA Architects & Planning
Project completion:
Residential & Mixed Use
Project type: