Afip Building 606

Afip Building 606

Project Description
The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) was founded in 1862 as an Army Medical Museum. Currently, it is located in Washington, D.C., on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center grounds. AFIP is a U.S. government institution concerned with education, research, and diagnostic consultation in the medical specialty of pathology (i.e., the study and diagnosis of disease).
AFIP's Tissue Repository (i.e., Building 606), in particular, had undergone renovations that included several strengthening projects. Building 606 accommodates 10,681 square feet of administrative space, including 2,600 square feet of future laboratory space.
Kline's primary objective was to design the strengthening system for the existing CMU walls of Building 606. The walls, which were originally unreinforced, required seismic strengthening via fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates that are anchored at the ends with fiber anchors. We provided calculations and installation drawings.
In November 2016, the former AFIP, which was designed for high-end research, was transferred by the Army to the Children's National Health System, a not-for-profit provider of pediatric care.

Silver Spring, MD
- Evaluation and Restoration
US Department of Defense
Project completion:
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